Thursday, July 01, 2010

A New Poem

908 SE 35th Avenue
by Ryan Lee Sharp

I wake up early
But only as my choice
Clean and measure
6 cups water
4 level scoops
Press the button and

Open the backdoor
Creaks and bells
A mixture of blue, white, and green
Walk the vines
The fence that lines the perimeter
Hold hands with my unknowing inebriators
A manicure for those gone astray
And cord to pull them back into line
Turn my back to the cherry tree
And re-enter the Home

The Children quiet and content to "be"
Something I can tell them about
But may never show them

Two mugs clank
One thick-lipped
One thin-rimmed
Milk, cream, and coffee made singular

A delivery to the Wife
Who has slept well, taken a hot shower,
And now greets me with a smile
So familiar that I don't recognize it as such

Cheers! to deep breaths
Another power button, perhaps a shower of my own,
Or words from a distant friend, asking if it's all a dream

1 comment:

Jon said...

Well, I'm not sure I agree with the first commenter, but yeah, frimmin'!