Friday, April 15, 2005

Thoughts on 'us'?...

I was just browsing through a free TNIV Bible that I got at the Emergent Convention last year... and I was thinking about how I have never heard a good explanation or commentary on the whole, "Let us make man in our image." Does this passage strike no one else as a bit strange? Us? Our? Is this part of the Shemah understanding... that God is One, not in the sense of alone, but in the sense that is is alive in all things? What is included in this "us"? Thoughts? Anyone?


ashdown said...

the only thing i have heard for this passage is that it is 'proof' of the trinity...but somehow i think there is a deeper meaning that just that simple answer. other than that i havent heard/studied it at all.

Anonymous said...

Well actually Ryan . . . God doesn't exist.

The aliens created us and, as you know, there are tons of aliens.