Monday, August 06, 2007

Catching Up

It's been a bit of time since I last really updated you on what's going on. It's been a busy, tiring, low season for me...for a while now. Those who know me won't find that a surprise. I've always tended to overextend myself, ending up in something of a funk. This is my our cycle.

A few updates:

Pax is now near-walking (assisted by my hands) and has two top and two bottom teeth.

We're working on a new project with Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw. It's a project that we're really, really excited about.

Holly and I are in counseling. I could dismiss it and say it's nothing serious, but the truth is that on my worst days, my anger and depression is wreaking havoc on the family.

My sister has moved to SF and is staying with us and friends.

We'll be leaving for our fall pilgrimage / tour / trip in late September, covering 10k miles in our Prius (with carbon offsets helping us!).

SEVEN is mellow...nearly dark...for the remainder of the summer.

What else is there to say? Or really, what else could I convey on my blog?

Life is fast-paced. Often faster than I'd prefer...but it is what it is at the moment.


brett said...

thank you for your honesty. christy and i have been seeing a counselor for six years and we have been married for six years. it has really helped us though. thoughts and prayers for you and holly

Andrew Greenhalgh said...

Hey man, you're on our minds and in our hearts...

s.o said...

-you've been a constant encouragement to me, and I could only hope God's blessing to you for pouring yourself out. Thank you for sharing.
It will be great to see you this fall.

-shaun o.