Monday, September 12, 2005


Thought I'd let you know (if you're interested) that Holly and I are leaving. On October 6th, after packing our crap into storage or letting people borrow it (hint hint), we will be leaving Oceanside.

We're not sure where 'next' is really. We're just sure that it's time to go.

The remainder of 2005 will be spent driving across the US. We have several friends we are looking forward to staying with and some places we are looking forward to being in. But we are also planning 'non-planned time' into it too.

Who knows? Maybe we'll just stop at one spot and set roots there for a year.... Or perhaps we'll remember that we love being on the road and won't stop driving... Who knows? Or perhaps we'll return to Asia... Who knows?

This 3-month trip will be a sort of pilgrimage to see those we have wanted to see/meet over these last couple years. It will also be a chance to nourish and revitalize our marriage, our artistic-ness, and our gypsy leanings.

If you are around the US and would be interested in hosting us for a night or two, would you please let us know?

I'll be releasing a new album just before we leave, so part of the hope in travelling is 'touring' the album by doing a series of house shows... so if you're interested in hosting one, please let us know that as well.

So, there it is. Not sure what's next... just time to leave. So... see you soon?


Will said...

Can't wait!

Emma said...

i hope you come to Asia.... i promise Holly and you will fall in love with Nepal. Really.

aPoReTiC said...

boy...i'm so excited for you guys! =]

you and holly are definitely the true bohemian avant-garde...

travel mercies...i miss you guys.

CodyBrock said...

Not only will you be touring your latest work (which had Jeff and I floored, by the way) but imagine the inspiration for your next record! Anyways, I pray blessings on your journey - and if you guys are ever venturing the northwest, we have a couple places in Roseburg, Oregon. Later bro.