Last night was an intimate evening with friends old-ish and new-ish. Schyler (pronounced Skyler) and Maggie showed up with some friends in tow. It was the 4 of them plus our hosts...and us. I have a hunch that the clear day caused people to flake. You see, in San Diego, if it rained, people would flake. Perhaps in Detroit, if it's a nice day people flake? I dunno. C'est la vie. It made for a warm, unplugged sort of night.
It is so fascinating to me how many of us know each other. Within a few minutes, we can partake of some sort of common memory, shared experience, or at least a familiar name. There's a comfort in that.
I had a conversation with a new friend (Doug) the other night about all the emerging / neo-monastic / whatnot communities across the US. He wondered aloud if there was not some sort of catalogue that described each one or whatever. I couldn't think of one. But it did get me thinking that, with all the travel we're hoping to do, it might be fun to sort of do some interviews and whatnot along the way. Then perhaps we can all take a look at what is unifying (and defining uniquely) each of these communities.
Would that be helpful to you? Would it be interesting to hear their stories? Their early formative process? The books that shaped them? Curious.
Oh, here are a couple shots that people have sent me...

This is from Solomon's Porch. Thanks to Douglas.

And this is one from the other night in Columbus. Thanks to Brandon.
I really love Ann Arbor. It's a great town. I am glad Pax has been getting more rest lately and in turn giving you guys more rest.
that's where my parents live. it's a very cool, progressive city. i'm glad you got to experience it.
are you passing through illinois at all? chicago?
we would love to see you.
-emily & mogan
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