so i woke this morning to find out ants had invaded my home... now, ants had been here months ago and were after something that completely alluded me, but this time, they came in the front door and walked about an inch wide straight to my trashcan...
i have been trying to see the good in all things and sure, i can appreciate that ants are here to break things back down to their 'dust'... and for that i am truly greatful, kinda like i am thankful for maggots...
but, in this moment, i hate them... they represent to me now waking up early (8.15am!), something i just cant shake, invasion and frustration... so we windexed them and then vaccuumed them up... nice...
last night as we were lying in bed, after painting our new wall... (here are some pics, by the way...)
anyways, after we finished, we decided to go to bed, watch a movie or something... anyways, turned to the history channel about 11pm and watched a cool program called 'heaven and hell' which was following the program 'the dead sea scrolls'... i love the history channel and all that stuff... i love hearing multiple perspectives... but to be honest, it really only covered few understandings of heaven and hell, primarily from an evangelical and catholic point of view...
okay, so heres a brief timeline of my findings regarding the afterlife...
8000 years ago - egyptians believed you would go to the afterlife, completely intact, no 'soul' nonsense...
6000 years ago - the first jewish manuscripts are to have been originated (at least in story) and it says 'dust to dust', the hope was to bring the kingdom of god to earth, so there was no need to invision a 'heaven', god was the source of all things, so there was no devil, no hell, no place god was not, make sense?...
who knows how many years ago - the jewish fable of job points out that if justice is not found in this life, it is found in the next to be sure...
2500 years ago (?) - under intense persecution and bondage from the persians, the jews adopt their pagan oppressors view of the afterlife, that there is a place of ultimate good, where god exists fully, and there is a place of ultimate evil, which is ruled by satan...
okay, check this article out... and then check out 1 chronicles 21:1 and 2 samuel 24.1... the writer substitutes "Satan" for "Jehovah" in the pre-exilic account 2 samuel 24:1...
another cool article...
christ's time - he speaks of the heavens, the kingdom of god, and paradise... i think
jasen will have some thoughts in the future about this as he is reading a book regarding it methinks... now christ talks about evil in the form of a (perhaps metaphorical) person?...
paul's writings - very dualistic, much warning of a personalized enemy as if a person who 'rules this domain', hope is in heaven (a place or an understanding? hmm?)...
revelation - everything goes haywire right about here because there is this guy with a vision...
okay, my stomach is growling and so i must get... ciao baby...