Thursday, August 19, 2004

cloves and matthew 12.31-33...

cloves are a wonderful thing sometimes... aside from the taste they leave in my mouth afterwards, i love them... but i usually brush my teeth when i am done... they offer glimpses of clarity sometimes...

i was just outside having a clove, staring at the moon over the ocean... amazing... and i was continuing in my (much slower than i intended) reading of matthew... this time, chapter 12, verses 22-37...

i have been under the assumption over the last several months that the holy spirit is not something limited to just people who call themselves christians... it seems that 1 john 4.7-8 is convincing to me that anyone who lives in love lives in rhythm with god...

so, i am noticing this passage with exceptional potency...

"If you reject the Son of Man out of some misunderstanding, the Holy Spirit can forgive you... The fruit tells you about the tree."

so how about people who have walked away from the church or "god" confusing "god" with religion, but not really rejecting the "way of jesus"?... i believe that they are still held by god... if their lives are still producing good fruit (some "unbelievers" produce more "fruit" than "believers"), then they are living in the power of the spirit, yah?...

just a hunch...

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