Wednesday, August 04, 2004

spirituality and the infatuation metaphor...

i have been thinking about the bible (specifically the new testament) in regards to metaphors and how they work in and out of our lives... i am beginning to wonder if the idea of a 'spiritual realm' as different from a 'material realm' could just be metaphor... i mean, dualism was popular when the gospels were written, but i dont buy into the idea one bit... so, i have been wondering if we are to embrace these as metaphor's for 'different realms' when in reality, they are one and the same, just a different angle or perspective...

so, i have been thinking about our current metaphor for understanding who jesus was... or really, who he is now...

you hear phrases like 'i want to fall in love with jesus more and more' or 'he is my lover' or 'i am married to jesus'... now, these are not necessarily bad things, but i have to keep reminding myself that jesus was mediator between us and god, not the new image of god (or maybe he was...), so i think our infatuation may be misplaced... i think the love goes beyond christ to god and we now look to christ as a guide, the one who paved the way, but not as someone to fall more in love with, to be infatuated with...

it really kinda cheapens who christ was/is, dont you think?... to make him into my boyfriend or whatnot?... you can begin to see why some in the intellectual community see evangelical christianity as brain-washed sentiment... i mean, think about it: in love with jesus of nazareth?...

i dunno, just thought i'd throw it out there... perhaps ill post it up as a discussion on the emergent village bb... we shall see...

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