Suffice it to say, this Saturday, we pulled up 6 foot tall dandelions for hours and hours. We pulled the weeds, tilled the earth, drank margaritas, added earthworm shite to the soil, planted some flowers, cut down a bush, pruned a tree, had a BBQ and spent time with friends. Here are a few photos. I didn't realize I was on the B/W setting until half-way through the day.

that looks really nice, man...
it makes me pine after a bit of earth which i could tend with such care. when i was a kid and had to spend hours out in the yard pulling weeds and spreading mulch i hated it, but now i remember those times as truly enjoyable (as long as it wasn't a million degrees outside.) who would have thought?
Your climate is way ahead of ours. We're fluctuating wildly. Last week we had one day that was 80 degrees. Today the high was 39, and it is now snowing. Crazy...
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