Check out the new website for The Cobalt Season and please purchase the new album! We're so, so, so, so proud of it and feel like it might be the most important work we've done thus far. And the album cover is one of Holly's new art pieces. She's beginning a whole new series of paintings.
Please consider purchasing the new album and doing a little write up on your blog or myspace.
Can you dig? Thanks so much for your support!
Finally!! I've been camped out in a virtual sleeping bag in front of your blog for the past month! But it's all been worth it...
friends- the website and album look A-MAZING. beatiful job. I'm so excited to soon own this work. Congratulations. You pushed through.
haven't heard it yet, but LOVE the cover!
Ryan and Holly,
I checked out the mp3's on myspace... the new songs are really good! i mean it...
as soon as i have some more discretionary income (uncle sam was a punk this year), i will be ordering my copy.
i hope the new album brings you guys back down toward L.A/Ventura... take care!
oh, and the album cover looks great! kudos to holly
i've listened to unified theory on repeat 8 times now.... it's just really one of those songs that can keep going on and on and doesn't get annoying. i think i love it.
and yeah, holly, the cover totally rocks! i cannot wait to see this new collection!
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