Monday, April 09, 2007

"Who would Jesus Shoot?" Rick Asks.

So thankful Rick is posting again these days...

Sadly, just like divorce, dealing with poverty, plastic surgery and materialism Christian beliefs and behavior related to violence are no different from that of our non-Christian neighbors. How can we talk of a Prince of Peace when fighting for a Gun Culture, supporting the destruction of an entire race of people (Arabs) and justifying the embrace of extreme violence in entertainment because we are ''merican Christians?'

What will it take for Christians to embrace the teachings of Jesus and take our history seriously. Will it take violence against our own kind for us to see that violent culture is more damaging to a true 'Culture of Life' -our Cowboy President's words- than those issues used by Dobson, The SBC and radio pundits to increase their coffers and attendance; knowing that speaking the truth on these issues would affect their bottom line and challenge their followers in a manner that would get less Amens and more people walking out because their toes are uncomfortable.


Betsy Lin said...

I feel your frustration. The issues of social justice, or lack of really hurts my heart.
But how do we do it? How do we become the change we long to see?

Beautiful Food Gardens said...

I can't reconcile Jesus' words with killing, whether abortion, the military, or capital punishment. There's a lot of rationalization going on in the "christian" community.

some chick said...

i always thought of jesus as more of a whip kind of guy.