Monday, August 02, 2004

statements of faith and certainty...

so, i am being asked to sign a statement of faith (i think) for this new job i am taking... and it has things i dont agree with... now, i dont think they are wrong, but i am not sure that they are the only ways to see things...

my world is turning upside-down as far as how i see things and what i subscribe to both theoretically and actually...

mike has some interesting thoughts in his last couple entries... i think the quote he is looking for is 'all theology is heresy'... see this random blog's thoughts on that statement... tony campolo's words apparently... or him quoting someone else, which is more likely...

so, what does the bible really say about itself?... well, that is all on word interpretation, the whole logos thing, jesus as word, etc... scripture (paul says) is it profitable for certain things in life, but of course he is talking about the tanukh, not the gospels or his letters... surely he is not so arrogant to say that his letters are the very breath of god and others arent?... that would border on pharisaical and absurd...

so what are we to do with scripture?... i like mike's thoughts...

okay, i've got to go eat chicken and fix my living room... wish me well...

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Have you read Newbigin's "Proper Confidence"? I read his chapter on Scripture like 10 times.
I hate statements of faith. Do people/organizations really think they have the inside track with God? Why must they torment us so?
Usually I just come around to convincing myself that I don't have to agree with it to sign it as long as I don't disagree. Does that make sense? There have been a couple times where I've disagreed and written down my disagreement and then signed. In both cases, they didn't even acknowledge my dissent - whether they didn't read it or they didn't care - I don't know.
Worse then the faith statement is the lifestyle statement. I'm struggling with that right now. Cursed Pharisees and their homemade rules!