Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Traveling and more traveling...

It's been a good while since I last posted (by my standards) and I know some of my posts have been fewer and far between. Some of it has been intentional... that is, I wonder sometimes about the value of dis-embodied ideas on a screen... I mean, is information really that transformational outside of real relationships? ...and some of it has been simply because we have been traveling so much. And that does not look to let up soon.

I will continue to post songs on each Monday (taking a break on behalf on Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Washington, God rest their souls), starting next week.

I will also attempt to post an itinerary for those of you who would find it useful... so you can track/stalk us if you wish.

Hope you are well. What a wonderful opportunity we have had and continue to have... traveling to see and interact with other's lives. This has been a remarkable season of life for us. Wow.

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