Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 30: Albany, NY (via the Adirondaks)

The drive today was beautiful. What could have been a quick 2-hour journey on NY's fancy-schmancy toll road was derailed for something more inspired. We took some windy mountain highways up toward the foothills. It was lovely. Got down to 34 degrees outside...but it felt nice.

A wild turkey was crossing the road and we had to dodge it. It spooked us all.

We made it into Albany, got some food downtown (according to our Healthy Highways book), and then headed to the Martinez home.

We just wrapped up the night. It was fun, but man, are we tired. This kid just won't sleep well. Please sleep well tonight. Time to go.

Tomorrow to Camden to see Chris and Cassie and then onto

1 comment:

The Shib said...

Cross country road trip. Baby in tow.
No photos.
